Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Charlottesville, Va. Protest and the Possible Trump Connection

I saw this coming. President Trump's endgame. Part of his mission to control, and reduce the number of minorities (with his wall building and deportation campaign promises). He hopes this plan will strengthen the White Power Structure, like when America was great as he says. Just my theories developed through observation. But his opponents in the Republican Primary just kept following his lead on the wall and immigration reform without challenging him on his real motivation f...or them. Hillary Clinton didn't do much better, and totally dropped the ball. This Presidency illustrates why Presidents have term limits. But a bad President can destroy America in less than 4 years it seems, so let us come together as one society against racism. No President can stop that because most people are good. The bad guys where just in the right states (and Russia) for Trump.
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In the wake of President Trump again blaming “both sides” for violence in Charlottesville, NBC’s Tom…

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