Saturday, August 26, 2017

Confederate Statues, Flags, and Other Concessions

     Confederate "hero" statues and the Confederate flag should go the way of Confederate money in my opinion. Especially when they sit on State and Federal government property. But I would have no objection to other locations of display because I love history regardless, and all history should be preserved.
     However, we must realize that these Confedrate forms of public displays were concessions to the South, to appease those who lost their whole plantation economy after 1865. Soon, Segregation was allowed as another concession from the Federal government in the 1880s. In Virginia particularly, it was even illegal for Blacks and Whites to marry before 1967!
     Despite all these concessions allowed by the Federal government, the KKK existed before them, and the KKK still exist to this day (along with other hate groups they inspired). The concessions didn't work, and has cost much Black suffering. But the Federal government finally bent to the wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (and Black voting power) when Segregation was ended in 1965, and, a man and woman of different ethnicities could legally marry each other in Va. as of 1967.
     Now in 2017, the Federal government must step in again and compell all States to remove all Confederate symbols from government property. It's time. No more concessions! The bones of slaves lie under miles of Southern roadways and structures. They have no statues or even a grave marker.

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