Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Protest in Charlottesville Virginia

     It's unfortunate that we need to be made aware of such dangerous people. We can't go back, and the South will not rise again (with all due respect to innocent, respectful Southerners). Slavery was wrong, and the Holocaust was wrong. Americans won't be blindsided by allowing this hate talk to convert us. I believe that cultural, and ethnic diversity is not only tolerated, but embraced by most people.

     NO hate groups should be allowed on college campuses because their mission is recruitment! Our students should not be exposed to the dangerous environments made by hate groups being on college campuses. Whether being a club, a public speaker, or protestors, the potential for violence is too high when their message is hate and divisiveness. Put all Civil War relics in a "National Confederate Museum of Prejudice and Intolerance" so that the KKK, the White Nationalist, and others with similar beliefs can go and worship the demons and evil idols inside.

     I would pay extra taxes to keep a Confederate flag off government buildings, and not flapping in the wind in anyone's face. Anyone's. Including more than enough White who don't believe in such superiority nonsense. All ethnic groups need to continue to have faith in that, and combine forces with them, or we'll have no America. We'll be in another Civil War. Russia, North Korea, ISIS, and China will sure be standing by for that..

Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Charlottesville, Va. Protest and the Possible Trump Connection

I saw this coming. President Trump's endgame. Part of his mission to control, and reduce the number of minorities (with his wall building and deportation campaign promises). He hopes this plan will strengthen the White Power Structure, like when America was great as he says. Just my theories developed through observation. But his opponents in the Republican Primary just kept following his lead on the wall and immigration reform without challenging him on his real motivation f...or them. Hillary Clinton didn't do much better, and totally dropped the ball. This Presidency illustrates why Presidents have term limits. But a bad President can destroy America in less than 4 years it seems, so let us come together as one society against racism. No President can stop that because most people are good. The bad guys where just in the right states (and Russia) for Trump.
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In the wake of President Trump again blaming “both sides” for violence in Charlottesville, NBC’s Tom…

Confederate Statues, Flags, and Other Concessions

     Confederate "hero" statues and the Confederate flag should go the way of Confederate money in my opinion. Especially when they sit on State and Federal government property. But I would have no objection to other locations of display because I love history regardless, and all history should be preserved.
     However, we must realize that these Confedrate forms of public displays were concessions to the South, to appease those who lost their whole plantation economy after 1865. Soon, Segregation was allowed as another concession from the Federal government in the 1880s. In Virginia particularly, it was even illegal for Blacks and Whites to marry before 1967!
     Despite all these concessions allowed by the Federal government, the KKK existed before them, and the KKK still exist to this day (along with other hate groups they inspired). The concessions didn't work, and has cost much Black suffering. But the Federal government finally bent to the wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (and Black voting power) when Segregation was ended in 1965, and, a man and woman of different ethnicities could legally marry each other in Va. as of 1967.
     Now in 2017, the Federal government must step in again and compell all States to remove all Confederate symbols from government property. It's time. No more concessions! The bones of slaves lie under miles of Southern roadways and structures. They have no statues or even a grave marker.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Nate Parker's "The Birth of a Nation"

     Do you have a dog? Whether you bought your dog or not, do you consider it property or family? Do you teach your dog tricks? Obedience? Do you punish your dog? Chances are you treat your dog much better than slave owners treated their slaves. Soon will be the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the slave trade that supposedly ended in America after the Civil War in 1865.

     The Birth of a Nation is a film that tells the story of Nat Turner and his leading of a slave rebellion in Hampton Va. He's portrayed as a hero instead of a savage terrorist, as many history books describe him. The Legacy of Nat Turner documentary which is included in the special features of the DVD & Blue Ray version of the film gives even more facts and insight about Nat Turner.

     Nat Turner waited for a sign, which happened to be a solar eclipse, to start the attack on the county's slave owners. Ironically, there was a solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. August 12, 2017 was the Charlottesville Va. protest by various hate groups lead by Whites which resulted in the death of a counter protester. The protest was reportedly against the removal of Civil War relics and symbols from State government property including buildings. But was there a connection to the slave rebellion led by Nat Turner?

     Blacks were either slaves or dead in the South during slavery. So if you were a slave would you kill your captors to be free? In the special features documentary, a White man who's ancestors barely escaped death by Nat Turner's forces, admits that if Whites were slaves they would similarly rebel. Should there be Confederate symbols on State government property? Should all known slave owners be removed? Should there be a Nat Turner have a statue? The Birth of a Nation film has outstanding acting performances, sets, period costumes, and music, but most of all the script is profoundly moving and effective in telling this historical drama.

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

     The longest running female driven science fiction movie series to date are the Resident Evil movies. "The Final Chapter" wraps things up in a bloody bow. New characters are introduced in this film, but aren't well developed. They are only present to defend Alice, as they are wiped out by the T-virus infected. No need for their backstories.

     Alice's team must get her to the the Hive to complete her mission to save what's left of humankind. Milla Jovovich is ageless in her role as Alice, clearly doing many of her stunts herself. This is not nearly the best film in the series, but it answers many questions, including the biggest question of the film franchise...Who is Alice?